Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Countdown to Santa!

On Sunday afternoon we set up the Christmas tree. Last year we set it up in the basement because we were afraid the twins would pull it down. I didn't like it though because I never really got to enjoy the tree as I rarely make it down to the basement, so this year we thought we'd give it a try having it upstairs. We decided to only put a few decorations on it and yes they have slowly be put up higher and higher. We have made a few "twin friendly" decorations that are down low.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Count down to Santa activities

Last night we made Christmas cookies as part of our count down to Santa activities.
The twins really liked cutting out the cookies , but the best part was putting on the sprinkles.
Sorry the photos are in backwards order. You get to see the final product then the how to. Don't you just love technology!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Santa 2011

I am trying harder to blog more often. Here we go...
On Saturday we went off to the CrossIron Mills Mall in search of Santa. Yes, the twins are well aware now of who Santa is and what he can do for them.
Question to Piper - "What are you going to ask Santa for?" Answer - "Bike" What color? Pink
What does Tristan want? Blue Bike.
Throughout all the questions Tristan just nods.
We had to stand in line for about 45 minutes. Well actually, Piper and Mommy stood in line and Daddy chased Tristan (aka Denise the menace) all over Bass Pro. When we finally got up to Santa of course Tristan said nothing and Piper did all the talking. Everything went great until Mommy stepped out of the picture frame. Then as you can see things were close to going badly.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Photos

Last Saturday we went for Christmas photos. The twins did really well, and oh so cute!
We had to go at 1:30 in the afternoon which is normally nap time, which was very risky. Piper had a snooze on the way to Airdrie, but Tristan did not sleep so I was a little worried how it would go. They both did really well. Tristan did kind of run out of gas towards the end. By the time we got out of the photo studio Tristan was having quite a melt down. He was asleep in about 2 minutes in the truck.

But I don't want a hug!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Fun!

I have been a very bad blogger. Life is just so incredibly busy. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We have so many things to be thankful for. It goes without saying our beautiful twins, but also we are thankful for our very supportive and loving families and friends. This photo was the best one of the twins but of course my eyes are closed.

This one was the best one of me.... so use your imagination and put the two photos together. LOL

So many pumpkins to choose from.

I think Piper just decided to sit down and have them all!

This one was a little too big for Tristan to handle but he sure did like it.

Love the smiles

It is so hard to get a good shot of the twins together. So I decided to put Piper on the pumpkin by her self. Tristan was off and running with daddy in fast pursuit.

Tristan loved the petting zoo. He loves animals. He kept chasing this poor chicken. Well actually there were two of them and he kept shouting "two, two".

This is such a funny shot. Look at the boy at the back. Tristan really liked this sheep.... until the sheep decided to head but him. No injurys just a scared little boy.

I don't think Piper ever touched any of the animals. She is her Mommy's girl.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer time fun!

The smiles speak for themselves! What a smile!

S0 cute!

Fun in the water table

So much fun!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Piper & Tristan's first parade

Saturday was "Sports Day" in Acme. The day started off with a pancake breakfast. Piper and Tristan love pancakes so this was quite a success. I have discovered that the hungrier they are when we go out for meals the more successful the event is. They basically gobbled down a whole pancake each! Success! After the breakfast we went and had a play in the park while Lee got the chairs set up on the street for the parade.

So much candy was thrown our way!

Piper watching and learning!

Daddy and Tristan waiting for the parade to start!

After the parade there was homemade pie and coffee served at the seniors centre. We were all quite full and tired after the pie. We headed home for a snooze!

The twins had a great day and ate their first candy! Not sure that's a good thing but they quite liked the suckers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We finally have seen the sun! The twins and I planted some seeds. They like the watering part. Tristan likes the digging part, but not when he gets mud on his hands. They he is a very unhappy fello!


Love this shot, with Tristan into the rain barrel in the background.