Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Twins in the tub!

Tristan got his third tooth today. Well actually he's been working on it for several days. So much drool! It's his top tooth and the one right next to it is coming in as well. If you look really close in the second photo of his you can see the new tooth.

The twins love, love, love bath time. In fact, they start to get fussy right before bath time everyday. As soon as I start to run the tub they get all excited. I haven't been brave enough to try to bath them together on my own yet. They are still a little to unstable and I am nervous they will fall over. For now I try to have them take turns going first. It's not perfect because some days whoever is fussing the most gets to go first. As I am usually on my own at bath time, while one is in the bath, the other one is in the jumper or rocking chair pushed up to the bathroom door. That way I can see and talk to them both, and when the own not in the tub starts to fuss I know it's time to switch!

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