Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How we play!

People often ask me if the twins play together. The simple answer is ...we're working on it! Like any other toddlers, sometimes they play well together and other time they want the toy that the other has. Here are some action shots of several different days of playing. Playing kitchen at Granny and Opa's house.

Future caterer?

Piper playing with one of their many favourite toys.
She looks like an angel !

Angel gone... when her brother wants the toy!

Love the look! It's like she's saying..."who me?"

Playing with the shopping carts. Piper has both of them. Don't think this is going to work out!

Poor Tristan just wants to push his shopping cart!


I quit!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Before and afters

I have been a very bad blogger. The only excuse I can come up with is very lame, but the truth. Life with twins is very busy. I have been trying to take lots of photos, but their never seems to be time to bet them downloaded. Any way such is life. Here are a few before and after photos. Before - looking out the window at a beautiful winter day and after getting to help daddy shovel the walk.

Piper can now put her own hat on! She loves putting it on and having her jacket on!

Piper loves chocolate pudding! Can you tell? LOL

Bath time with bubbles and duckie!