Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bikes, Bikes, Bikes

Finally, I am getting more of the photos from Christmas off the camera (well these ones where on my iphone) . Piper and Tristan asked Santa for bikes, and the big guy did not let them down. It was so awesome that the weather was nice enough to actually ride them over the Christmas holidays. I thought we would be riding them in the basement. I think the smiles say it all! Boy do we love Santa!

PS Once Piper passed Tristan she hasn't let him go in the lead ever again! She is a very competetive little girl and she wants to be out front!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top 10 of 2011

I keep meaning to finish this blog - so here it is.
I started looking at the photos that I took over the last year and thought I would chose the top ten things we did. Impossible! So many more things than 10. Here are the events that I did choose.
Our new backyard slide!

Our first parade in Acme. Tristan thought it was more fun to snuggle with granny.

Visiting the zoo at Inisfail. The twins had only just discovered suckers at he parade a few days before.

The loss of Lee's dad. We are still recovering from this one! The twins loved going to see him in the hospital.

Canada day activities in DrumhellerOur new bouncer!

Turning 2!

Turning 2!

The pumpkin patch!

Halloween Elmo's

Decorating the Christmas tree!

Hangin with our big brother and sister!

There really were too many things to choose from. We had a marvelous summer taking swimming lessons with granny (which I never got one photo of oops), biking, going to the park almost everyday with granny and learning so much. Life is very full, and we are grateful for every moment with our beautiful twins!