Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Piper & Tristan's first parade

Saturday was "Sports Day" in Acme. The day started off with a pancake breakfast. Piper and Tristan love pancakes so this was quite a success. I have discovered that the hungrier they are when we go out for meals the more successful the event is. They basically gobbled down a whole pancake each! Success! After the breakfast we went and had a play in the park while Lee got the chairs set up on the street for the parade.

So much candy was thrown our way!

Piper watching and learning!

Daddy and Tristan waiting for the parade to start!

After the parade there was homemade pie and coffee served at the seniors centre. We were all quite full and tired after the pie. We headed home for a snooze!

The twins had a great day and ate their first candy! Not sure that's a good thing but they quite liked the suckers.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We finally have seen the sun! The twins and I planted some seeds. They like the watering part. Tristan likes the digging part, but not when he gets mud on his hands. They he is a very unhappy fello!


Love this shot, with Tristan into the rain barrel in the background.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Zoo visit!

Finally we took the twins to the zoo! So much fun! They loved seeing the animals and they especially liked the toddler park. The loved walking around in their "elmo" harnesses. Piper loved the chocolate ice cream. Yummy, yummy!